Bibliography of Publications on Cellular Automata Theory (Homogeneous Structures) and Related Topics

International Academy of Noosphere

International Academy of Noosphere, The Baltic Branch


Bibliography of Publications on Cellular Automata Theory (Homogeneous Structures) and Related Topics

Įčįėčīćšąōč˙ ļóįėčźąöčé ļī īäķīšīäķūģ ńņšóźņóšąģ (Źėåņī÷ķūģ ąāņīģąņąģ) č ńā˙ēąķķūģ ń ķčģč šąēäåėąģ

During researches in the theory of cellular automata (homogeneous structures) extensive enough bibliography of original sources of a various level as directly in the theory, and in its numerous appendices in various fields had been collected by us. Naturally, the given bibliography is not exhaustive however it can present the certain interest for researchers in the given field, first of all, of beginners. Meanwhile, the reader has an opportunity to supplement the presented bibliography by the materials which are absent in it. We hope, that the given bibliography will allow to outline better both a circle of researchers in the given field, and breadth of scope of the problems considered by them. First of all, it concerns the Soviet and Russian researchers who have received a lot of priority results of fundamental character with which English–speaking researchers are familiar insufficiently well or are not familiar entirely. Subsequently some of them have been rediscovered by other researchers. It is especially topical and for the reason, that a series of the Soviet researchers directly stood at the beginnings of the making given direction of modern mathematical cybernetics. Basically, the represented bibliography is not annotated however headings of publications give the defined enough notion about the contents of the quoted material.

Ā ļšīöåńńå čńńėåäīāąķčé ā ņåīščč īäķīšīäķūõ ńņšóźņóš (źėåņī÷ķūõ ąāņīģąņīā) ķąģč įūėą ńīįšąķą äīńņąņī÷ķī īįųčšķą˙ įčįėčīćšąōč˙ īščćčķąėüķūõ čńņī÷ķčźīā šąēėč÷ķīćī óšīāķ˙ źąź ķåļīńšåäńņāåķķī ļī ńąģīé ņåīščč, ņąź č ļī åå ģķīćī÷čńėåķķūģ ļščėīęåķč˙ģ ā šąēėč÷ķūõ īįėąńņ˙õ. Åńņåńņāåķķī, äąķķą˙ įčįėčīćšąōč˙ ķå ˙āė˙åņń˙ čń÷åšļūāąžłåé, īäķąźī īķą ģīęåņ ļšåäńņąāčņü īļšåäåėåķķūé čķņåšåń äė˙ čńńėåäīāąņåėåé ā äąķķīģ ķąļšąāėåķčč, ļšåęäå āńåćī, ķą÷čķąžłčõ. Ģåęäó ņåģ, ÷čņąņåėü čģååņ āīēģīęķīńņü äīļīėķ˙ņü ļšåäńņąāėåķķóž įčįėčīćšąōčž ģąņåščąėąģč, īņńóņńņāóžłčģč ā ķåé. Ķąäååģń˙, ÷ņī äąķķą˙ įčįėčīćšąōč˙ ļīēāīėčņ ėó÷ųå ī÷åšņčņü źąź źšóć čńńėåäīāąņåėåé ā äąķķīģ ķąļšąāėåķčč, ņąź č ųčšīņó īõāąņą ļšīįėåģąņčźč, šąńńģīņšåķķīé čģč. Ļšåęäå āńåćī, żņī źąńąåņń˙ Ńīāåņńźčõ č Šīńńčéńźčõ čńńėåäīāąņåėåé, ļīėó÷čāųčõ öåėūé š˙ä ļščīščņåņķūõ šåēóėüņąņīā ōóķäąģåķņąėüķīćī õąšąźņåšą, ń źīņīšūģč ąķćėī˙ēū÷ķūå čńńėåäīāąņåėč ēķąźīģū ķåäīńņąņī÷ķī õīšīųī ėčįī č āīāńå ķå ēķąźīģū. Āļīńėåäńņāčč ķåźīņīšūå čē ķčõ ļåšåīņźšūāąėčńü äšóćčģč čńńėåäīāąņåė˙ģč. Żņī ņåģ įīėåå ąźņóąėüķī č ļī ņīé ļšč÷čķå, ÷ņī š˙ä Ńīāåņńźčõ čńńėåäīāąņåėåé ķåļīńšåäńņāåķķī ńņī˙ėč ó čńņīźīā ńņąķīāėåķč˙ äąķķīćī ķąļšąāėåķč˙ ńīāšåģåķķīé ģąņåģąņč÷åńźīé źčįåšķåņčźč. Ā īńķīāå ńāīåé ļšåäńņąāėåķķą˙ įčįėčīćšąōč˙ ķå ąķķīņčšīāąķą, īäķąźī ķąēāąķč˙ ļóįėčźąöčé äąžņ āļīėķå īļšåäåėåķķīå ļšåäńņąāėåķčå ī ńīäåšęąķčč öčņčšóåģīćī ģąņåščąėą.


Monographs, Books, Transactions

Here is a list (probably incomplete) of some monographs, books and transactions on the theory of cellular automata (homogeneous structures). They are published in English unless otherwise noticed. If you know additional similar materials, please let us know.

1. Achasova S. et al. Parallel Substitution Algorithms: Theory and Application.- Singapure: World Scientific, 1995.

2. Achihmin V.N. et al. Introduction to Mathematical Modelling.- Moscow: Logos Press, 2004 (in Russian with English summary).

3. Adamatzky A. Identification of Cellular Automata.- Bristol: Taylor and Francis, 1994.
The different aspects of the identification problem for cellular automata are discussed. The writer considers a great variety of cellular automata, the problem of inferring the structure of it from the behavior of the whole array and gives examples of applying this theory to a number of various real problems.

4. Additive Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications / Ed. Chaudhuri P.- N.Y.: IEEE Computer Society, 1997.
This book reports on related researches and new developments in the field of the CA problems. It illustrates the matrix algebra tools that characterize both group and non–group CA and proposes a variety of applications to solve real life problems. Contributors examine CA applications in the fields of VLSI testing, synthesis of easily testable FSM and combinational logic circuit, error correcting code, data encryption, generation of hashing function, and design of pseudo–associative memory. Characterization of two–dimensional CA is also covered.

5. Advances in Artificial Life / Eds. D. Floreano et al.- Heidelberg-Berlin: Springer, 1999.

6. Aladiev V.Z. Homogeneous Structures: Theoretical and Applied Aspects.- Kiev: Technika Press, 1990 (in Russian with extended English summary).
In the monograph the main of the work of the Tallinn Research Group done in the mathematical CA theory and its applications in mathematical modelling, computer science, mathematical and theoretical biology, and in parallel processing and parallel algorithms during 1969–1989 is presented. Much of this work has been motivated by both CA models as an independent mathematical object and by the growing interest in computer science and mathematical modeling. At present, CA theory forms an self-maintained part of the modern mathematical cybernetics.

7. Aladjev V.Z. Computability in the Homogeneous Structures, vol. 1–2, no. 2850, 3023.- Moscow: VINITI Press, 1971 (in Russian with extended English summary).

8. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Mathematical Biology of Development.- Moscow: Science Press, 1982 (in Russian with extended English summary).
This collective monograph is the first Soviet work which unites different investigations linked with application of mathematical approaches and methodology in the biology of development. Among these investigations is presented an approach to discrete modelling in biology of development on the basis of CA modeling.

9. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Mathematical Theory of the Classical Homogeneous Structures.- Gomel: TRG & VASCO & Salcombe Eesti Ltd., 1998 (in Russian with extended English summary).
In the book the main of the work of Tallinn Research Group done in the mathematical theory of the classical cellular automata during 1969–1997 is presented. Much of this work has been stimulated by scientific programs of the Tallinn Research Group and the Russian Academy of Noosphere. Vast enough bibliography embraces the considerable part of the CA problems.

10. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Questions of Mathematical Theory of the Classical Homogeneous Structures.- Gomel: BELGUT Press, 1997 (in Russian with extended English summary).
In the book the main of the work of Tallinn Research Group done in the mathematical theory of the classical cellular automata during 1996 is presented. Much of this work has been stimulated by scientific programs of the Russian Academy of Noosphere.

11. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Research Activity of the Tallinn Research Group: Scientific Report During 1995-1998.- Moscow: Russian Academy of Noosphere, 1998 (in Russian with English summary).

12. Aladjev V.Z. Mathematical Theory of Homogeneous Structures and Their Applications.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1980, 270 p.
In the book the writer gives main of the work that Tallinn Research Group have done in the CA theory and its applications over the period 1970-1980. In the book are discussed the topics such as: the architecture of the CA theory and its applications, general aspects of the CA dynamics, some CA models, and basic, in author's opinion, problems for the following researches in CA problems.

13. Aladjev V.Z. Recent Results in the Theory of Homogeneous Structures / Scientific Report TR–11–1285.– Tallinn: Silikaat Press, 1985, 942 p.

14. Aladjev V.Z. Decision of a Series of Problems in the Mathematical Theory of Homogeneous Structures and Their Appendices / Scientific Report TR–14–0683.– Tallinn: Silikaat Press, 1983, 2566 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).

15. Aladjev V.Z. To the Theory of the Homogeneous Structures.- Tallinn: Estonian Academic Press, 1972 (in Russian with extended English summary).
The monograph is the first Russian book in CA problems. It contains Russian terminology and a series of interesting both theoretical and applied results (CA–approach for biological modeling above all). The book contains early results of the Tallinn Research Group (TRG) in the CA–problems. In annual meeting of the Estonian Academy of Sciences the book was marked as one of the better works of the Academy in 1972.

16. Aladjev V.Z. To Theory of the Homogeneous Structures, no. 4204.- Moscow: VINITI Press, 1971 (in Russian with extended English summary).

17. Aladjev V.Z., Boiko V.K., Rovba E.A. Classical Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications.- Grodno: Grodno State University Press, 2008, 480 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).

18. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt U.Ja., Shishakov M.L. Basics of Informatics, 2nd edition.- Moscow: FILIN Press, 1999 (in Russian with English summary).
For the first time, in the Soviet educational literature for universities into a course of computer science as formal models of computations along with Turing machines (as a model of sequential computations) have been presented the classical CA as a formal model of parallel computations.

19. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov O.B. Introduction to Architecture of Computers IBM/360.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1976 (in Russian with extended English summary).

20. Aladjev V.Z., Tupalo V.G. Computer Reader.- Kiev: USE Press, 1993 (in Russian with English summary).
The book contains review paper «Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous Structures: Theoretical and Applied Aspects».

21. Aladjev V.Z., Tupalo V.G. Scientific and Practical Activity of the TRG: Final Results During the 25 Years (1969–1993).- Moscow: Mintopenergo Press, 1994 (in Russian with extended English summary).

22. Aladjev V.Z., Zinkevich T.G. The Classical Homogeneous Structures / Scientific Report TR–04–1084.– Tallinn: Silikaat Press, 1984, 947 p.

23. Aladjev V.Z. Classical Homogeneous Structures: Cellular Automata.– CA: Palo Alto: Fultus Corp., 2009, 536 p. (in Russian with English summary).

24. Aladjev V.Z. Classical Homogeneous Structures: Cellular Automata.– CA: Palo Alto: Fultus Corp., 2009, 536 p., Adobe Acrobat eBook (pdf), (in Russian with English summary)

25. Aladjev V.Z. Classical Homogeneous Structures: Cellular Automata.– CA: Palo Alto: Fultus Corp., 2010, 460 p.
In the monograph the main of the work of the Tallinn Research Group done in the mathematical CA theory and its applications in mathematical modelling, computer science, mathematical and theoretical biology, and in parallel processing and parallel algorithms during 1969–2009 is presented. Much of this work has been motivated by both CA models as an independent mathematical object and by the growing interest in computer science and mathematical modeling. At present, CA theory forms an self–maintained part of the modern mathematical cybernetics.

26. Algorithms for Parallel Processing / Eds. M. Heath et al.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999.

27. Alves A.S. Discrete Models of Fluid Dynamics.- Singapore: World Scientific, 1991.

28. Applied Parallel Computing / Ed. K. Madsen.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

29. Applied Parallel Computing Industrial Computation and Optimization / Ed. K. Madsen.- Lyngby: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

30. Arbib M., Amari S. Dynamic Interaction in Neural Networks.- N.Y.: Springer, 1988.

31. Artificial Life / Ed. Langton C.- Redwood City CA: Addison-Wesley, 1988.

32. Astafjev G.B. et al. Cellular Automata.- Saratov: Kolledz Press, 2003 (in Russian with English summary).

33. Automata Networks: Spring School on Theoretical Computer Science / Ed. C. Choffrut.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1988.

34. Automata, Languages, Development / Eds. A. Lindenmayer, G. Rozenberg.- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976.

35. Batty M., Longley P. Fractal Cities.- N.Y.: Academic Press, 1994.

36. Beitrage sur Theorie der Polyautomaten / Informatik-Skripten.- Braunschweig: Tecnische Universitat Braunschweig, 2 (1982), 8 (1984), 13 (1985), 21 (1988) (in English and Germany).
Collected articles of the international group of researchers (mainly from Germany and Hungary) on the CA problems.

37. Beitrage zur Theorie der Polyautomaten / Ed. R. Vollmar, Informatik-Skripten, 2.- Braunschweig, 1982 (in German).

38. Bellman R. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.- San Francisco: Boyd&Fraser, 1978.

39. Berkovich S. Mutual Synchronization in a Network of Digital Clocks As the Key Cellular Automaton Mechanism of Nature: Computational Model of Fundamental Physics.- Synopsis, 1986.

40. Berkovich S.J. Cellular Automata as Model of Reality.- Moscow: Moscow State Univ., 1993 (in Russian with English summary).

41. Berlenkamp B. et al. Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays.- N.Y.: Academic Press, 1982.

42. Bossomaier T., Green D. Patterns in the Sand – Computers, Complexity and Life.- Allen and Unwin, 1998.

43. Briggs J., Peat F.D. An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and the Science of Wholeness.- N. Y.: Harper & Row, 1989.

44. Bura S. et al. Multi-Agents Systems and the Dynamics of a Settlement System.- Paris: Universite Paris IV, CNRS et Universite Paris I, 1994.

45. Cellprocessors and Cellalgorithms / Informatik-Skripten, 2.- Braunschweig, 1981.

46. Cellular Automata / Eds. Farmer J. et al.- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984.

47. Cellular Automata / Eds. J. Gruska, T. Toffoli, H. Umeo, R. Vollmar, Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report, 108, Saarbrucken, 1995.

48. Cellular Automata / Eds. T. Toffoli, S. Wolfram.- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984.

49. Cellular Automata and Complex Systems / Eds. E. Goles, S. Martinez, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-5512-1.

50. Cellular Automata and Complex Systems: Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems / Eds. E. Goles, S. Martmnez.- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
The book contains six lectures from the 5th School on Complex Systems, held at Santiago, Chile in December 1996, survey recent trends in such areas as dynamical systems, cellular automata, symbolic dynamics, spatial systems, statistical physics, and thermodynamics. Pure and applied mathematics, physics, biology, computer science and electrical engineering tackle such aspects as the uniform simulation of Turing machines by cellular automata, time averages for some classes of expansive one-dimensional cellular automata, the phenomenology of cellular automata simulations of natural processes, and Lyapunov spectra in spatially extended systems.

51. Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems / Eds. Boccara N., Goles E., Martmnez S., Springer-Verlag, 1993, ISBN 079232272X, 568 p.
This book contains the lectures given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems', held at Les Houches, France, from June 22 to July 2, 1992. The book contains contributions by mathematical and theoretical physicists and mathematicians working in the field of local interacting systems, cellular probabilistic automata, statistical physics, and complexity theory, as well as the applications of these fields.

52. Cellular Automata and Modeling of Complex Physical Systems / Eds. Manneville P. et al.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1990.

53. Cellular Automata and Modeling of Complex Physical Systems.- Les Houches, 1989.

54. Cellular Automata, Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks / Eds. E. Goles, S. Martinez.- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
This book presents lectures given at the 3rd School on Statistical Physics and Cooperative Systems, Santiago, Chile, in 1992. The talks are related to recent interdisciplinary trends in statistical physics: nonlinear phenomena, dynamical systems, ergodic theory, CA, symbolic dynamics, large deviations theory, and numeral networks. Most are structured as surveys presenting at the same time an original point of view and new results.

55. Cellular Automata: A Parallel Model / Eds. Delorme M., Mazoyer J.- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
Cellular automata can be viewed both as computational models and modelling formal systems of real processes. This book emphasises the first aspect, namely: in articles written by leading researchers, sophisticated massive parallel algorithms (firing squad, life, Fischer's primes recognition) are treated. Their computational power and the specific complexity classes they determine are surveyed, while some recent results in relation to chaos from a new dynamic systems point of view are also presented.

56. Cellular Automata: Research Towards Industry / Eds. Bandini S. et al.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1998.

57. Cellular Automata: Theory and Experiment / Ed. H. Gutowitz.- N.Y.: MIT Press, 1991.

58. Chadeev V.M. Self-reproducing of Automata.- Moscow: Energy Press, 1973 (in Russian with English summary).

59. Chaudhuri P.P. et al. Additive Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications, vol. 1, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-8186-7717-1.

60. Chopard B., Droz M. Cellular Automata Modeling of Physical Systems.- Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998.
This book will be valuable for graduate students and researchers working in statistical physics, solid state physics, chemical physics and computer science. It is a self-contained pedagogic introduction to cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann modeling techniques. These powerful methods are used to describe, and simulate the behaviour of complex systems. A broad coverage of this rapidly developing field is presented, from the theoretical concepts, to the computer implementation of practical applications. The book includes many exercises, and enough detailed bibliography.

61. Chulikov A.I. Mathematical Models of Nonlinear Dynamics.- Moscow: Fizmatlit Press, 2003 (in Russian with English summary).

62. Codd E.F. Cellular Automata.- New York: Academic Press, 1968.

63. Complex Systems: From Biology to Computation / Eds. Green D., Bossomaier T.- Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1993.

64. Computational Systems: Natural and Artificial / Ed. H. Haken.- N.Y.: Springer, 1987.

65. Computer Architecture-97 / Ed. R. Pose.- Clayton: Springer-Verlag, 1997.

66. Coveney P., Highfield R. Frontiers of Complexity.- Faber and Faber, 1995.

67. Data Base Management System on the Basis of Operating System MINIOS and DBMS OKA / Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1980 (in Russian with English summary).

68. Demengeot J. et. al. Dynamic Systems and Cellular Automata, New-York, 1985.

69. Deutsch A., Dormann S. Cellular Automata Modelling of Biological Pattern Formation.- N.Y.: Birkhauser, 2005.

70. Dewdney A. Armchair Universe.- N.Y.: W. H. Freeman, 1988.

71. Dicusar L.D. Physics of Natural Environment.- Novosibirsk: Siberian state geodetic academy, 2006 (in Russian with English summary).

72. Dmitriev M.G. et al. Modelling of Social and Political, and Economic Dynamics.- Moscow: RGSU, 2004, ISBN 5-7139-0364-8 (in Russian with English summary).

73. Dodge C., Jerse T. Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition and Performance.- N.Y.: Schirmer Books, 1985.

74. Doolen G. Lattice Gas Methods for PDE's, Theory, Applications and Hardware.- North-Holland, 1991.

75. Doolen G.D. et al. Lattice Gas Methods for Partial Differential Equations.- N.Y.: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

76. Dynamical Systems and Cellular Automata / Eds. E. Goles et al.- N.Y.: Academic Press, 1985.

77. Dynamics of Complex Interacting Systems / Eds. E. Goles, S. Martinez.- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
This book contains the lectures given at the 4th School on Statistical Physics and Cooperative Systems, held in Santiago, Chile, 1994. This School brings together researchers working on subjects related to recent trends in complex systems. Subjects dealt with include dynamical systems, ergodic theory, CA, symbolic and arithmetic dynamics, spatial systems, large deviation theory and neural networks.

78. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, vol. 1.- London: Kluwer Academic Publisters, 1988, pp. 300-301.

79. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, vol. 1.- Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1977, pp. 50-53 (in Russian with English summary).

80. Encyclopaedia of Physical Science and Technology, vol. 3.- N.Y.: Academic Press, 1992, pp. 15-44.

81. Essays on Cellular Automata / Ed. A.W. Burks.- Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1970.
A classic collection of papers on cellular automata intended as a companion to John von Neumann's Theory of self-reproducing automata. Includes papers by Burks, Thatcher, Moore, Myhill, Ulam, and Holland, which are pioneers in the CA problems.

82. Ferber R.G.-F. Raumliche und Zeitliche Regeimassigkeiten Zellularer Automaten.- Marburg: Philipps-Universitat Marburg, 1988 (in German).

83. Frumkin M.A. Systolic Computations.- Moscow: Science Press, 1990 (in Russian with English summary).
This book is devoted to a new approach of parallel computing which uses possibilities of VLSI technology effectively. The following mathematical and algorithmic questions are considered, namely: complexity of the VLSI computations, parallel algorithms, relations between graphs of algorithms and graphs of processors, parallel programming languages and using of systolic algorithms as a software for a vector computers.

84. Gardner M. Wheeles, Life and Other Mathematical Amusements.- N.Y: W.H. Freeman, 1983.

85. Garzon M. Models of Massive Parallelism: Analysis of Cellular Automata and Neural Networks.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995

86. Gaylord R., Nishidate K. Cellular Automata Simulations with Mathematica.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1996.
This book and CD-ROM presents a simulation of CA-models in environment of the mathematical package Mathematica. The CD-ROM provides a user-friendly interface for computer simulation of the presenteg in the book CA-models.

87. Gaylord R., Nishidate K. Modeling Nature with Cellular Automata using Mathematica.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

88. Gaylord R., Wellin P. Computer Simulations with Mathematica.- N.Y.: Springer Verlag / TELOS, 1995.

89. Gerhardt M., Schuster H. Das digitale Universum.- Braunschweig: Vieweg Verlag, 1995 (in German).

90. Glushkov V.M. et al. Algebra, Languages, Programming.- Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1978 (in Russian with English summary).

91. Goles E., Martinez S. Neural and Automata Networks: Dynamical Behaviour and Applications.- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.

92. Goos G. Vorlesungen uber Informatik, Band 4, Springer, ISBN 3-540-60650-5 (in German).

93. Gramss T. Non-Standard Computation.- London: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
This book provides the first overview of, and introduction, to the chemical, biological and physical non-standard computation concepts, which promise to solve these problems by massive parallelism and a clever use of other effects: Molecular and Quantum computers, and Genetic algorithms. Computations in CA are discussed.

94. Gruska J. Foundations of Computing, Thomson Computer Press, ISBN 1-85032-243-0.

95. Haken H. Advanced Synergetic.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1983.

96. Haken H. Synergetics: An Introduction.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1983.

97. Handbook on Parallel and Distributed Processing / Eds. J. Blazewicz et al.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1999.

98. Herman G., Rozenberg G. Developmental Systems and Languages. North-Holland, 1975.

99. Hertz J. et al. Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation.- Redwood City: Addison-Wesley Publ., 1991.

100.  High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering / Eds. E. Krause, W. Jager.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1999.

101.  Hillis D. The Connection Machine.- Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985.

102.  Hramkovic J. Communication Complexity and Parallel Computing.- Kiel: Verlag, 1997.

103.  Ilachinski A. Cellular Automata: A Discrete Universe.- Singapore: World Scientific, 2001.

104.  Jan van Leeuwen. Computer Science Today.- Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

105.  John von Neumann. Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata.- Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1966.

106.  Kaljaev A.V. Homogeneous Switching Register Structures.- Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1978 (in Russian with English summary).

107.  Kendall P., Duff M. Modern Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications (Advanced Applications in Pattern Recognition).- N.Y.: Plenum Publ. Corp., 1985.

108.  Kier L.B. et al. Modeling Chemical Systems using Cellular Automata.- Berlin: Springer, 2005.

109.  Kokin A.A. Solid-state Quantum Computers on Nuclear Spins.- Moscow: Institute of Computer Researchs, 2004 (in Russian with English summary).

110.  Koronovskii A.A., Trubeckov D.I. Nonlinear Dynamics in Action.- Saratov: Kolledz Press, 2002 (in Russian with English summary).

111.  Korshenevich Ju.V., Kobailo A.S. Synthesis of Computational Systems.- Minsk: Science and Technics, 1989 (in Russian with English summary).

112.  Krot A.M. Discrete Models of Dynamic Systems on the Basis of Polynomial Algebra.- Minsk: Science and Technics, 1990 (in Russian with English summary).

113.  Kudrjvcev V. et al. Basics of the Theory of Homogeneous Structures.- Moscow: Nauka Press, 1990 (in Russian with English summary).
The book presents the writers results and results of series of other Soviet researchers in the CA problems. The first part of the book presents some questions of the classical CA whereas in the second part CA with inputs and outputs are considered. At last, in the third part the possibilities of the classical CA and CA with inputs and outputs for solution of some problems of computational mathematics are investigated. The book was created on the basis of the writers's special course in the mathematical faculty of the Moscow State University.

114.  Kudrjvcev V. et al. Introduction into Theory of Abstract Automata.- Moscow: Moscow Univ. Press, 1985 (in Russian with English summary).

115.  Kukharev G.A. et al. Multiple-Valued Data Processing Algorithms and Systolic Processors.- Minsk: Science and Engineering, 1990 (in Russian with English summary).

116.  Kuramoto Y. Chemical Oscillations, Waves and Turbulence.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1984.

117.  Ladd S. C++ Simulations and Cellular Automata / Book & Disk., M & T BOOKS, 1995.
This book and CD-ROM present a simulation of CA-models in environment of programming C++ language. Artificial life has been popular enough topic for programmers since the late 1960s, when they first simulated organisms with simple programs like the famous «Game of Life». Writer explores the contemporary descendants of these experiments, showing programmers how to take advantage of genetic algorithms and software robots to create usable projects. The CD-ROM provides a user-friendly interface and includes working automata and simulation programs described in the text.

118.  Langdon W.B. Genetic Programming and Data Structures.- Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

119.  Langton C. Artificial Life.- Redwood City: Addison-Wesley, 1989.

120.  Langton C. et al. Artificial Life II.- Redwood City: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

121.  Lattice gas methods for partial differential equations.- Redwood City: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

122.  Life, the Universe and Mathematics / Art and Mathematics Series, CD-ROM with Virtual Image, 1997, ISBN 1901579026.

123.  Lind D., Marcus B. An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding.- Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, ISBN 0-521-55124-2.

124.  L–Systems / Eds. Rozenberg G., Salomaa A.- Heidelberg-Berlin: Springer, 1974.

125.  Lucquin B., Pironneau O. Introdiction to Scientific Computing.- London: John Wiley, 1998.

126.  Mcintosh H.V. One Dimensional Cellular Automata, Luniver Press, 2009, ISBN 1905986203, 296 p.
The book deals with analytical and computational studies of spatially-extended discrete dynamical systems: one-dimensional cellular automata. The topics included are non-constructible configurations, reversibility, probabilistic analysis and De Bruijn diagrams. Techniques discussed are based on topology, matrix theory, formal languages and probability theory. The book is an excellent reading for anybody interested in non-linearity, emergency, complexity and self-organization.

127.  Mahnke R. et al. Theory and Computer Simulation of Aggregatin Phenomena in Complex Systems.- West Sussex: John Willey & Sons, 1997.
This book is an introduction to the physics of aggregation phenomena. It includes numerical computer simulation, concepts from the theory of fractals and CA, and recent experiments which have led to new, partly revolutionary insights into these processes. Interesting examples of configuration formation in CA–models are discussed.

128.  Mahnke R. et al. Theory and Computer Simulation of Aggregation Phenomena in Complex Systems.- London: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Aggregation phenomena play a major role in fundamental sciences as well as in technical processes. This book is an introduction to the physics of aggregation phenomena. It includes numerical computer simulations, concepts from the theory of fractals, and recent experiments which have led to new, partly revolutionary insights into these processes. In particular, pattern (configuration) formation in CA is considered.

129.  Maier R.V. Basis of Computer Modelling.- Glazov: Glazov Teacher's Training College, 2005 (in Russian with English summary).

130.  Malcev A.I. The Post Iterative Algebras.- Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Univ. Press, 1976 (in Russian with English summary).

131.  Malineckii G.G., Shakaeva M.S. Cellular Automata in Mathematical Modelling and Information Processing.- Moscow: Institute of Applied Mathematics, 1994 (in Russian with English summary).

132.  Mandelbrot B. The Fractal Geometry of Nature.- San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1982.

133.  Manneville P. et al. Cellular Automata and the Modeling of Complex Physical Systems.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989.

134.  Margolus N., Toffoli T. Cellular Automaton Machines.- Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987.

135.  Martin O. et al. Algebraic Properties of Cellular Automata, Princeton, 1983.

136.  Mathematical Problems in Biology / Ed. R. Bellman.- N.Y.: Academic Press, 1962.

137.  Mathematical Research.- Band 7 (1981), 25 (1985), 29 (1986), 48 (1988).- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

138.  McCauley J.L. Chaos, Dynamics, and Fractals : An Algorithmic Approach to Deterministic Chaos.- Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.

139.  Milburn G.J. The Feynman Processor: Quantum Entanglement and the Computing Revolution.- N.Y.: Perseus Books, 1998.

140.  Miranda E. R. Composing Music with Computers.- Oxford: Focal Press, 2001.

141.  Miranda E. R. Computer Sound Synthesis for the Electronic Musician.- Oxford: Focal Press, 1988.

142.  Mitchell M. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms.- Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996.

143.  Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View / Eds. R. Hegselmann et al.- Kluwer Press, ISBN 0-7923-4125-2.

144.  Monaco R. Discrete Kinetic Theory, Lattice Gas Dynamics and Foundations of Hydrodynamics.- Singapore: World Scientific, 1989.

145.  Nasu M. Textile Systems for Endomorphisms and Automorphisms of the Shift, American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-8218-2606-9.

146.  Neumann von J. Theory of Self–Reproducing Automata / Ed. A.W. Burks.- Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1966.
The book presents the theory of self-reproducing automata. The book is based on a manuscript which von Neumann left incomplete at his death, entitled «The Theory of Automata: Construction, Reproduction, Homogeneity» (which was edited and completed by A.W. Burks). In it von Neumann first defined the general notion of a Cellular Automata (CA), idea of which was suggested to him by S.M. Ulam. Von Neumann defined a particular two-dimensional CA with 29 states per cell which is both computation- and construction-universal, and a self-reproducing automaton can be embedded in it. The Neumann's book stimulated researches in the CA problems.

147.  Neural and Automata Networks – Dynamical Behaviour and Applications / Eds. E. Goles, S. Martinez.- Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-0632-5.

148.  Neural Computers / Ed. R. Eckmiller.- Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1988

149.  New Constructions in Cellular Automata / Eds. D. Griffeath, C. Moore.- Oxford Univ. Press, 2003, 360 p.
This book not only discusses cellular automata (CA) as accouterment for simulation, but also the actual building of devices within cellular automata. CA are widely used tools for simulation in physics, ecology, mathematics, and other fields. But they are also digital "toy universes" worthy of study in their own right, with their own laws of physics and behavior. In studying CA for their own sake, we must look at constructive methods, that is the practice of actually building devices in a given CA that store and process in formation, replicate, and propagate themselves, and interact with other devices in complex ways. By building such machines, we learn what the CA's dynamics are capable of, and build an intuition about how to "engineer" the machine we want. We can also address fundamental questions, such as whether universal computation or even "living" things that reproduce and evolve can exist in the CA's digital world, and perhaps, how these things came to be in out own universe.

150.  Non–Linear Physics for Beginners: Fractals, Chaos, Pattern Formation, Solutions, Cellular Automata and Complex Systems / Ed. Lui Lam.- Singapore: World Scientific, 1990.

151.  Nonlinear Physics for Beginners: Fractals, Chaos, Solitons, Pattern Formation, Cellular Automata and Complex Systems / Ed. Lui Lam.- Singapure: World Scientific, 1998.
This collection contains an introductory material in topics such as fractals, chaos, solitons, pattern formation, CA, complex systems, and a number of reprints of the above problems.

152.  Non-Standard Computation: Molecular Computation–Cellular Automata–Evolutionary Algorithms–Quantum Computers / Ed. Gramss T.- London: J. Waley & Sons, 1998.
This book explores the use of nonstandard computing concepts to solve the large and complex problems encountered by scientists in a variety of fields. It introduces readers to the chemical, biological, and physical nonstandard computation concepts which promise to solve these problems using a massive parallelism and other clever effects such as molecular and quantum computers, Cellular Automata computational architectures, and genetic algorithms (using tricks of the evolution). It offers creative methods for solving vexing mathematical problems, some involving numbers with as many as 100 digits.

153.  Parallel and Distributed Algorithms / Ed. Cosnard M.- N.Y.: Elsevier Science, 1989.

154.  Parallel Computation / The 4th Intern. ACPC Conf, eds. R. Zinterhof et al.- Salzburg, 1999.

155.  Parallel Problem Solving from Nature / Eds. Manner R., Manderick B.- Brussels, 1992.

156.  Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms – Survey / Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Tallinn: Estonian Branch of the VGPTI, 1983 (in Russian with extended English summary).
A collection of review articles presented by researchers of the Tallinn Research Group on the CA–approach in context of parallel processing and parallel algorithms.

157.  Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms / Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1981 (in Russian with extended English summary).
A collection of papers presented by researchers of the Tallinn Research Group on the CA–approach in context of parallel processing, parallel algorithms and cybernetic modeling of the developmental processes in biology. In particular, some considerations about the perspectives of the development of the CA theory as a formal apparatus for investigations of parallel computer engineering, parallel algorithms and parallel grammars are presented. On the basis of a number of CA–models of development an analyses of use of CA approach as a formal apparatus for biological modelling is given.

158.  Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays / Eds. Vollmar R. et al.- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986.

159.  Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays.- N.J.: North-Holland, 1988.

160.  Parallel Processing Systems / Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1983 (in Russian with extended English summary).
A collected articles are presented by researchers of the Tallinn Research Group on the basis of CA–approach in context of applied parallel processing and parallel algorithms. In particular, the third big paper presents a series of problems such as: nonconstructability in CA–models, decomposition of the special global transition functions, complexity of the finite configurations, formal parallel languages defined by CA–models, etc.

161.  Parallel Symbolic Languages and Systems / Ed. T. Ito.- Paris: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

162.  Peitgen H.-O. et al. Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science.- N.Y.: Springer, 1992.

163.  Peitgen H.-O. et al. Chaos: Bausteine der Ordnung.- N.Y.: Springer (in German).

164.  Plotinskii Ju.M. Models of Social Processes.- Moscow: Logos Press, 2001 (in Russian with English summary).

165.  Poundstone W. The Recursive Universe.- N.Y.: William Morrow, 1985.

166.  Preston K., Duff M. Modern Cellular Automata.- New-York: Plenum Press, 1984.

167.  Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry / Eds. S. Bandini, G. Mauri.- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
This book contains the papers presented at the 2nd conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry. As well as capturing the attention of researchers working in different fields, CA–based computational models open new perspectives of intersection between different and historically distant areas of scientific knowledge.

168.  Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Parallel Processing by CA and Arrays / Eds. G. Wolf et al.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1984.

169.  Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on PARCELLA-86 / Eds. G. Wolf et al.- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986.

170.  Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on PARCELLA-88 / Eds. G. Wolf et al., LNCS 342.- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988.

171.  Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on PARCELLA-90 / Eds. G. Wolf et al.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1990.

172.  Prusinkiewicz P., Hanan J. Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants.- Berlin-London: Springer-Verlag, 1992.

173.  Rietman E. Creating Artificial Life: Self–Organization / Book & Disk.- Windcrest, 1993.
This book explores several definitions of life and applies these widely divergent scientific viewpoints to such emerging fields as artificial intelligence, CA, neural networks, robotics, and theoretical biology. Takes a provocative look at the future of artificial life and its implications for 21st century society.

174.  Rietman E. Exploring the Geometry of Nature: Computer Modeling of Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata and Neural Networks.- N.Y.: Windcrest Book, 1989.

175.  Roosta S. Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms.- Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1999.

176.  Rothman D., Zaleski S. Lattice–Gas Cellular Automata: Simple Models of Complex Hydrodynamics.- Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997.
This book describes how fluid flow may be simulated with a simple computer models known as lattice–gas cellular automata. The models consist of particles that hop and scatter on a regular grid. Remarkably, such a simple enough models may be used to solve the equations of fluid mechanics. The writers show why these simple models behave like real fluids, how they may be designed to model immiscible mixtures such as water and oil, and how they may be used to solve certain problems in fluid mechanics.

177.  Sadchenko K.V. Laws of Economic Evolution.- Moscow: Business & Service, 2007 (in Russian with English summary).

178.  Schiff J. Cellular Automata: A Discrete View of the World.- N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

179.  Serra R., Zanarini G. Complex Systems and Cognitive Processes.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990.

180.  Shields M. The Semantics of Parallelism.- London: Springer-Verlag, 1997.

181.  Silverman Ā. The Phantom Fish Tank: An Ecology of Mind.- Montreal: Logo Computer Systems Inc., 1987.

182.  Sipper M. Evolution of Parallel Cellular Machines: The Cellular Programming Approach.- Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Nature abounds in systems involving the actions of simple, locally interacting components, that give rise to coordinated global behavior. These collective systems have evolved by means of natural selection to exhibit striking problem–solving capacities, while functioning within a complex, dynamic environment. Employing simple yet versatile parallel cellular models, coupled with evolutionary computation techniques, the book explores the issue of constructing man–made systems that exhibit characteristics such as those manifest by their natural counterparts. The book examines the behavior of parallel cellular machines, the complex computation they exhibit, and the application of artificial evolution to attain complex adaptive systems. This self–contained volume examines the behavior of such machines.

183.  Software of IBM/360 Computers and CACS / Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1978 (in Russian with extended English summary).

184.  Spezzano G., Talia D. Calcolo Parallelo, Automi Cellulari e Modelli per Sistemi Complessi, Franco Angeli, ISBN 88-464-1374-1 (in Italian).

185.  Statistical Physics, Automata Networks and Dynamical Systems / Eds. Goles E., Martinez S.- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.

186.  Stochastic Cellular Systems: Ergodicity, Memory, Morphogenesis / Eds. Dobrushin R. et al.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1998.

187.  Structurally–Analitycal Models and Algorithms for Recognition and Identification of Control Objects / Ed. Aladjev V.Z.- Kiev: Technika Press, 1993 (in Russian with extended English summary).
The collected articles presented by researchers of the Tallinn Research Group on the cellular automata approach for creation of structurally–analytic models and algorithms for recognition and identification of control objects.

188.  Studies on Cellular Automata.- Tokyo: Research Institute of Electrical Comm., 1975.
A collection of papers of Japanese researchers on the CA problems.

189.  Studies on Polyautomata.- Tokyo: Research Institute of Electrical Comm., 1975.
A collection of papers of Japanese researchers on the CA problems.

190.  Sugihara K. et al. Spatial Tessellations: Concepts and Applications of Voronoi Diagrams.- London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1992.

191.  Tarasevich Y.Y. Mathematical and Computer Modelling.- Moscow: Editorial Press, 2003 (in Russian with English summary).

192.  Tchuente M. Parallel Computation on Regular Arrays, Manchester University Press, 1991.

193.  The 4th Conf. on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry.- London: Springer, 2001.

194.  The 5th Int. Conf. on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry.- Berlin-New York: Springer, 2002.

195.  The 6th Int. Conf. on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry.- Berlin-New York: Springer, 2004.

196.  The Int. Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata / Abstracts.- Berlin: Central Institute of Cybernetics and Informationprocesses of Academy of Sciences of GDR, 1982.

197.  The Science of Fractal Images / Eds. Peitgen H.–O., Saupe D.- N.Y.: Springer-Verlag, 1988.

198.  Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata / Ed. Wolfram S.- Singapore: World Scientific, 1986.

199.  Toffoli T., Margolus N. Cellular Automata Machines – A New Environment for Modeling.- Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.

200.  Toffoli T., Margolus N. Cellular Automata Machines.- Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987.
In the book the standard modeling environment (which is based on a cellular automata model) is presented by a specific, commercially–available Cellular Automata Machine, namely CAM–6. The main reason for this choice is that the hardware and software of this machine are effectively accessible to a wide range of user. The CAM–6 is a cellular automata machine intended to serve as a laboratory for experimentation, a vehicle for communication of results, and a media for real–time, interactive demonstration.

201.  Tools and Techniques for Social Science Simulation / Eds. R. Suleiman et al.- Berlin: Springer, 2000.
The book provides an overview of all methods applied to social science simulation as a tool for modeling and theory building, with applications especially of multi–agent simulation, game theory and cellular automata to social and economic problems and with special reference to sensitivity analysis.

202.  Trusov P.V. Introduction to Mathematical Modelling.- Moscow: Logos Press, 2007 (in Russian with English summary).

203.  Ulam S.M. A Collection of Mathematical Problems.- N.Y.: Interscience Publisher, 1960.

204.  Ulam S.M. Adventures of a Mathematician.- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1976.

205.  Valiev K.A., Kokin A.A. Quantum Computers: Hopes and Reality.- Moscow: PXD Press, 2004 (in Russian with English summary).

206.  Varshavsky V.I. et al. Homogeneous Structures.- Moscow: Energy Press, 1973 (in Russian with English summary).

207.  Vector and Parallel Processing / Ed. J. Palma.- Porto: Springer-Verlag, 1997.

208.  Vollmar R. Algorithmen in Zellularautomaten.- Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner, 1979 (in German).

209.  Vollmar R., Worsch T. Modelle der Parallelverarbeitung, Teubner, ISBN 3-519-02138-2, (in German).

210.  Voorhees B. Computational Analysis of One–Dimensional Cellular Automata.- Singapore: World Scientific, 1996.
In this book the results of study of the class of one–dimensional Cellular Automata are presented. Among others are considered questions such as: the operator algebra of CA, CA arithmetic, the fixed points and cycles in CA, commutation of CA rules, additive rules, computation of predecessors, the Garden of Eden configurations, time series simulation, etc.

211.  Weimar J. Simulation with Cellular Automata.- Logos-Verlag, ISBN 3-89722-026-1.

212.  Wolfram S. A New Kind of Science.- Wolfram Media Inc., 2002.
In our opinion, the book represents a speculative sight both on ŃĄ, and on science as a whole. It can present the certain interest for laymans in the ŃĄ field and for undemanding amateurs of science fiction.

213.  Wolfram S. Cellular Automata and Complexity.- N.Y.: Perseus Print, 1994.
A complete collection of Wolfram's papers on cellular automata and complexity, representing much of his scientific output from 1982 to 1986. Most papers have previously appeared in journals. Topics include statistical mechanics of cellular automata, algebraic properties, universality and complexity, computation theory of cellular automata, undecidability and intractability in theoretical physics, two-dimensional cellular automata, origins of randomness in physical systems, and cellular automata fluids.

214.  Wuensche A., Lesser M. The Global Dynamics of Cellular Automata.- N.Y.: Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-55740-1.

215.  Wunsch G. Zellulare Systeme.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1977 (in German).

216.  Zuse K. Rechnender Raum, vol. 1 of Schriften zur Datenverarbeitung.- Braunschweig: Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1969 (in German).

217.  Cellular Automata: Proceedings of the 5th Intern. Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Idustry // Eds. Liessmann K., Chopard B., Tomassini M., Acri 2002, Geneva, Switz, 2002.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2002, held in Geneva, Switzerland in October 2002. The 31 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from around 50 submissions. The topics covered range from theoretical issues to applications in various fields, including lattice gases, pattern recognition, cryptography, and authentication. Less known models receive attention as well, such as probabilistic, asynchronous, and multi-level automata. Among novel applications and are highway traffic, population and growth dynamics, environmental applications, and collective intelligence.

218.  Zuse K. Rechnender Raum: Vieweg.- Braunschweig, 1969 (in German)
The book contains early Zuse's ideas on cellular computation spaces in context of computer sciences. The ideas go back to the early forties (Germany) and its were practically unknown for the wide scientific world. At present with good reason we must regard K. Zuse as one of pioneers in the modern Cellular Automata problems.

Articles, Papers, Theses, Reports, etc.

Here is a list (probably incomplete) list of some articles, papers, theses, reports, web–sites, etc on cellular automata (homogeneous structures). They are published in English unless otherwise noticed. If you know additional similar materials, please let us know.

1. A Collection of Reviews of ANKOS –

2. A General Purpose Cellular Automata Simulator –

3. A Set of Cellular Automata Simulators –

4. Aarons J. –

5. Ablowitz M.J. et al. Class of stable multistate time reversible cellular automata with rich particle content // Physical Review A, Atomic, molecular, and opt., 44 (10), 1991.

6. Abrams J. Modeling inert pulmonary gas exchange using cellular automata // Complexity, 5 (2), 1999.

7. Achasova S.M. Simple self-reproduction programs in a cellular space based on the parallel substitution algorithm // Programming and Computer Software, 30, no. 4, 2000.

8. Adachi S. et al. Computation by asynchronously updating cellular automata // J. of Statistical Physics, 114 (1/2), 2004.

9. Adamatzkii A.I. Identification of Fuzzy Cellular Automata // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 25 (6), 1991.

10. Adamatzky A. About complexity of identification of cellular automata // Automatics and Telemechanics, 9, 1992 (in Russian with English summary).

11. Adamatzky A. Controllable transmission of information in excitable media // Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics, 5, 1995.

12. Adamatzky A. et al. Glider-based computing in reaction-diffusion hexagonal cellular automata // Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 27, no. 2, 2006.

13. Adamatzky A. Identification of probabilistic cellular automata // Tech. Cybernetics, 3, 1991 (in Russian with English summary).

14. Adamatzky A. Simulation of inflorescence growth in cellular automata // Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 7, no. 7, 1996.

15. Adamatzky A., Wuensche A. Computing in spiral rule reaction-diffusion hexagonal cellular automaton // Complex Systems, 16, no. 4, 2007.

16. Adamatzky A., Wuensche A. Nonconstructible blocks in 1D cellular automata: Minimal generators and natural systems // App. Math. Comp., 3, 1996.

17. Adami C. On modeling life // Artificial Life, 1, no. 4, 1994.

18. Adamides E.D. et al. Hierarchical cellular automata structures // Parallel Comp., 18 (5), 1992.

19. Adler R., Flatto L. Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics // Bull. of the Amer. Math. Society, 25, 1991.

20. Adorni G. et al. Linear-time recognition of connectivity of binary images on 1-bit inter-cell communication cellular automata and their related algorithms / 2nd Conf. on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Milan, Italy, 1996.

21. Adorni G. et al. Uniform and non-uniform cellular automata: Some issues and case studies in computer vision / 2nd Conf. on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Milan, 1996.

22. Afraimovich V.S., Shereshevskii M.A. Topological dynamics of cellular automata // Selecta Mathematica Sovietica, 11 (4), 1992.

23. Aiello G. et al. A parallel processor for simulation of Izing spin systems // Comp. Phys. Comm., 56, 1989.

24. Aigrain P., Beauquier D. Polyomino tilings, cellular automata and codicity // Theor. Comp. Sci. 147, 1-2, 1995.

25. Aizawa Y. et al. Soliton turbulence in 1D CA // Physica D, 45, 1990.

26. Akberdin I.R. et al. A cellular automaton to model the development of primary shoot meristems of arabidopsis thaliana // J. of Bioinformatics and Comp. Biology, 5, no. 02B, 2007.

27. Aladjev V., Veetyusme R. On composition problem in homogeneous structures / A Data Base Management System on the Basis of Operating System MINIOS and DBMS OKA.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1980.

28. Aladjev V.Z. A criterion of nonconstructability in homogeneous structures / Proc. Int. Workshop PARCELLA-84.- Berlin, 1984.

29. Aladjev V.Z. A description of a parallel processing system for IBM/360 in terms of system of algorithmic algebras / Proc. All-Union Seminar on Parallel Programming and High-Productivity Comp. Systems.- Kiev, 1982 (in Russian with English summary).

30. Aladjev V.Z. A few results in the theory of homogeneous structures / Math. Res., Band 25.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1985.

31. Aladjev V.Z. A New Software Library for Maple.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, 2002–2007.-,

32. Aladjev V.Z. A problem about matrices, arising in the theory of the self-reproducing automata // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Phys.-Math., 19, no. 2, 1970 (in Russian with English summary).

33. Aladjev V.Z. A solution of the Steinhays's combinatorical problem // App. Math. Lett., no. 1, 1988.

34. Aladjev V.Z. A theorem in the theory of homogeneous structures // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Phys.-Math., 19, no. 3, 1970 (in Russian with English summary).

35. Aladjev V.Z. About the complexity of the parallel algorithms defined by homogeneous structures // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Phys.-Math., 24, no. 2, 1975 (in Russian with extended English summary).

36. Aladjev V.Z. About the complexity of the parallel algorithms defined by homogeneous structures // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Phys.-Math., 24, no. 2, 1975 (in Russian with English summary).

37. Aladjev V.Z. An algebraic system for polynomial representation of K–valued logical functions // App. Math. Lett., no. 3, 1988.

38. Aladjev V.Z. An interactive program system for modeling of homogeneous structures / 7th Int. Conf. on Math. and Comp. Modeling, Chicago, USA, 1989.

39. Aladjev V.Z. Characterizations of one-dimensional homogeneous structures in the terms of two–way pushdown automata / Introduction to Architecture of Computers IBM/360.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1976 (in Russian with English summary).

40. Aladjev V.Z. Computability in homogeneous structures // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Phys.-Math., 21, no. 1, 1972.

41. Aladjev V.Z. Computer investigation of the homogeneous structures / The Int. Conf. IMYCS-88.- Bratislava, 1988.

42. Aladjev V.Z. Cybernetic modeling of the development biology / Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms.-Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1981 (in Russian with English summary).

43. Aladjev V.Z. et al. A parallel control system for homogeneous computational systems / Parallel Processing Systems.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1983 (in Russian with English summary).

44. Aladjev V.Z. et al. An approach to creating of high-productivity processing systems on the basis of technique of collective use computer centers / Proc. All-Union Conf. on Trends, Techniques and Problems in Modern Software.- Sevastopol, 1981 (in Russian with English summary).

45. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Contents of the theory of homogeneous structures and their applications / Introduction to Architecture of Computers IBM/360.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1976 (in Russian with extended English summary).

46. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Inculcation problems of parallel processing technology for book-keeping / Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms.-Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1981 (in Russian with English summary).

47. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Theoretical and applied aspects of homogeneous structures / Proc. Int. Workshop PARCELLA–90.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag Press, 1990.

48. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Unsolved theoretical problems in homogeneous structures / Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, 342, Springer-Verlag, 1988.

49. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous structures in engineering sciences / Proc. 19th Annual Meeting Society of Engineering Science.- Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, 1982.

50. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous structures in mathematical modeling / Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Math. Modeling, Sant-Louis, USA, 1987.

51. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous structures in mathematical modeling / The 4th Int. Conf. on Math. Modeling.- Zurich, 1983.

52. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous structures: Theoretical and applied aspects / The 8th Int. Conf. on Math.. and Comp. Modeling, Washington University, Sant-Louis, 1991.

53. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous structures: Theoretical and applied aspects / Computer Reader.- Kiev: Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia Press, 1993.

54. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous structures: Theoretical and applied aspects / The 8th Int. Conf. on Math. and Comp. Modeling, Washington Univ., Sant-Louis, 1991.

55. Aladjev V.Z. Nagy teljesitokepessegu rendszerek uj medkozelitese // Szamitas Technika.- Budapest, 1981 (in Hungarian).

56. Aladjev V.Z. New results in the theory of homogeneous structures // Informatik-Skripten, no. 3, Braunschweig, 1984.

57. Aladjev V.Z. New results in the theory of homogeneous structures // MTA Szamitas es. Autom. Tanulman., 158, Budapest, 1984.

58. Aladjev V.Z. On the equivalence of Tau(n)–grammars and Sb(m)–grammars // Comm. Math., Univ. Carolinae.- Praga, 15, no. 4, 1974.

59. Aladjev V.Z. Operations on languages generated by Tau(n)–grammars // Comm. Math., Univ. of Carolinae.- Praga, 15, no. 2, 1974.

60. Aladjev V.Z. Perspectives of development of the homogeneous structures theory / Proc. of the 3rd Hungarian Conf. on Comp. Systems.- Budapest, 1981 (in Russian with English summary).

61. Aladjev V.Z. Recent results in the mathematical theory of homogeneous structures / New Trends Comp. Sciences.- Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988.

62. Aladjev V.Z. Recent results in the mathematical theory of the homogeneous structures // Trends, Tech. and Problems in Theoret. Comp. Sci. / LNCS 281, 1986.

63. Aladjev V.Z. Recent results in the theory of homogeneous structures // MTA Szamitas es. Autom. Tanulman., 185, Budapest, 1986.

64. Aladjev V.Z. Recent results in the theory of homogeneous structures / Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays.- Amsterdam: North-Holland Press, 1987.

65. Aladjev V.Z. Recent results on the theory of homogeneous structures / New Approaches to Parallel Processing.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1988.

66. Aladjev V.Z. Some algorithmic questions in the mathematical biology of development // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Biology, 22, no. 1, 1973 (in Russian with English summary).

67. Aladjev V.Z. Some estimations for Neumann-Moore's structures // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Phys.-Math., 20, no. 3, 1971 (in Russian with English summary).

68. Aladjev V.Z. Some new results in the theory of homogeneous structures / Proc. Int. Symp. on Math. Topics in Biology.- Kyoto, Japan, 1978.

69. Aladjev V.Z. Some perspectives of development of the homogeneous structures theory as a formal apparatus of investigation of parallel computational technique / Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms.-Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1981 (in Russian with extended English summary).

70. Aladjev V.Z. Some questions concerning nonconctructability and computability in homogeneous structures // Proc. of Academy Sciences of Estonia. Phys.-Math., 22, no. 2, 1973.

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